Corporate Compliance Program

We are committed to establishing open lines of communication so that any employee or volunteer may feel comfortable in reporting any concerns they may have. Communication is the most important key in making the Corporate Compliance Program a success.

Corporate Compliance Program

The Advocacy and Resource Center’s Corporate Compliance Program is designed to prevent and detect fraudulent activity, encourage a culture of compliance, promote and maintain the Standards of Conduct to all affected individuals (employees, board and committee members, contractors and volunteers), provide confidential and anonymous methods of reporting compliance issues, enforce non-retaliation and retribution policies, audit and review programs to ensure they are compliant with applicable federal and state laws, regulations and guidance.

We are committed to establishing open lines of communication so that any employee or volunteer may feel comfortable in reporting any concerns they may have. Communication is the most important key in making the Corporate Compliance Program a success.

To seek any clarification, ask questions or report concerns directly, contact:

Director of Compliance

Valerie Bragg
518.563.0930 x8172

Corporate Compliance Contact

Anonymous reporting of compliance concerns of violations of the code of conduct can be made by calling the anonymous tip hot line: 518-324-6486.

Please use our Compliance Contact Form to express compliance concerns or to report compliance issues. We will strive to respond by the end of the next business day.

Corporate Compliance

Code of Conduct

The agency’s code of conduct is the standard of conduct that is expected for all employees, board and committee members, and volunteers.  We believe that certain rules of conduct must be observed to promote a positive and ethical work environment.  We also understand that, as individuals working for and on behalf of the Advocacy and Resource Center, we have the added responsibility of following specific standards of conduct such as:

  • To timely record only information which is true and accurate including hours of work, hours of services, type of service provided, date of service, service description and any other information which relates to service provision and documentation.

  • To conduct all activities in a fiscally responsible manner.
  • To bill payers accurately and honestly by not making any false statements or facts, concealing or failing to disclose information that affects the right to receive payment, billing for services not provided, knowingly accepting erroneous payments, submitting for payment of services not authorized in the ISP, billing for a higher reimbursable service than what was provided and any other actions that would compromise billing integrity.

  • To report to the compliance officer or to the compliance hot line the suspicion or any knowledge of potential violation of applicable laws, compliance policies and code of conduct.

  • To avoid engaging in any act which results in or is intended to result in retaliation or retribution towards a person for reporting a concern.